Showcasing the work of early-career mathematicians and data scientists
Smith Institute’s TakeAIM competition is now in its 14th year. The competition provides Masters and PhD students studying mathematics or data science with a platform to showcase their work and demonstrate the powerful impact of mathematics and data science across a wide range of industries.
To enter, please fill in the form opposite, including an engaging 250-word PDF summary of your work and its potential benefits. Images, plots and data visualisation does not contribute to this word count.
Please note, the deadline for entries is midnight on Monday 27th January 2025.
Being a finalist looks great on your CV. Additionally, if your project is shortlisted, you’ll be invited to our awards ceremony on 19th March 2025 at 170 Queen’s Gate in South Kensington where the winner will be announced.
The awards ceremony is an opportunity to present your work to businesses and meet business leaders that are embracing the potential of mathematics and data science - a fantastic recruitment opportunity!
If that wasn’t enough, winners will also receive a cash prize of up to £1,000.
From medicine to manufacturing, security to social media, mathematics and data science are evolving to play an increasingly fundamental role in the way we live. It is the fresh ideas and insights of young mathematicians and data scientists that will inspire and drive the innovations of the future.
You can explore the research of previous winners and finalists here.
If you have any questions about the competition, please contact Adam Brummitt.
To enter the competition,
please complete this form:
Office Address:
Willow Court, West Way, Minns
Business Park. Oxford OX2 0JB
+44 (0) 1865 244011
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